One of the most beautiful valleys in Poland – the geographic Noteć Valley (Dolina Noteci) was distinguished in the “7 new wonders of Poland” competition in the “Nature” category. Amidst the beautiful meadows, forests and oxbow lakes the “Dolina Noteci” Pet Food Production Plant is located. Staff managing the factory recognize their responsibility for the environment in which they work every day; that is why they care for it at every stage of their operations. One of the assets of the facility’s operations is its method of heating – with natural gas, emitting only a small amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Repeated use is made of utilities in the factory’s operations, e.g. water is used in a few production processes, while the whole company is lighted with LED technology. The pet food production facility could not operate without cooling systems; however, those used at Dolina Noteci are based on modern, environmentally-friendly factors. The factory also practises segregation of packaging waste, which is later recycled. The plans for a modern facility also include erecting a photo-voltaic farm, which will provide energy required for the facility’s operations.